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Magyar Hospice-Palliatív Egyesület

a hazai hospice szolgálatok közössége

European Palliative Care Academy

Leadership Course (2019-2021)
Deadline for applications is June 9th 2019.

European Palliative Care Academy Leadership Course 2019 – 2021

Are you a palliative care expert who wants to make a difference and is looking for an advanced international training opportunity in palliative care?

Then the European Palliative Care Academy might be what you are looking for. With our innovative palliative care leadership curriculum we can help you develop your theoretical knowledge and skills in the fields of personal and project development, teamwork, research and advocacy.

The new course starts in September 2019. Deadline for applications is June 9th 2019. For further information on the European Palliative Care Academy and the application process, please visit EUPCA’s website: A hivatkozásra kattintva elhagyja a weboldalt