Head physician of United Szt. István & Szt. László Hospitals & Clinics / Child hematology &
Stem & Cell Transplantation
Medical director of Tábitha Child Hospice House
Vice-president of Hungarian Hospice-Palliative Association
Tábitha Nonprofit Ltd.
Bartók Béla u. 21., Törökbálint H-2045
Phone: +36 23 332 106
Email: drbenyo@gmail.com
2013-2015 European Palliative Care Academy, Leadership Course
2014 Palliative medication
2001 Hematology
1997 Clinical oncology
1994 Baby Healing & Pediatrics
1983-1989 Semmelweis Medical University, General Medical Faculty
Professional experience:
I’ve worked as child oncologist with cancer & leukemic patients since 1994. I’ve spent 19 years at the child-clinic of the university taking a deep insight at several fields of pediatrics – which provides experience for me to help cancer patients in their last period, or children with any kind of life-shortening disease by providing diverse, adequate theraphy.
Important in my work:
Providing sick children & their family a high-level, holistic medical care.
Developing a natural claim both in the medical & social spheres regarding palliative & hospice attitude
in pediatrics.
Working in a good atmosphere where colleagues have collaborative attitude, furthermore respect & trust
each other.
Keeping my knowledge active & fresh, training my colleagues & youth at a high level
Integration of new medical treatments & research results in theraphy